Friday, May 22, 2015

Little hands, big helpers

This was one of our first service-to-others activities. 

Hands may be small, but they have the potential to help in big ways!

Little hands can:

  • Tidy dishes
  • Clap for a friend
  • Plant flowers
  • Hug a friend
  • Tidy toys
  • Draw a picture for a friend

We taped our hand prints to the wall and talk about this topic often. 

They love to put their hands on top of their construction paper hand prints. 

"Are these my hands, Miss Kris?" 

"Yes," I say, "And what good things can we do with our hands?"

Don't you wish more adults pondered this question?

Have a lovely day!

Monday, May 18, 2015

M is for maraca

Lots of tape + NOISE = Fun City!

Each maraca:
2 spoons
1 small container
Scotch tape
Duct tape

This project is self-explanatory. The little ones filled the cups with beans and I did the rest. I secured the whole thing with Scotch tape to hold it in place. Then I wrapped it with white duct tape.

By the way, I missed the boat regarding plastic Easter eggs. Those would have been perfect to use instead of the little plastic salad dressing containers. I should have reserved some plastic eggs while I had the chance. 

Oh well.

Hope you're having a lovely day!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy May Day!

What a happy May Day!

We danced around a maypole (pool noodle). Well, we started off dancing and then kind of passed each other up in a dizzy spin-race that would have made Curly Howard proud.

Step 1. Obtain a maypole from horseback riders.
Step 2. Stuff some tissue paper streamers into the top hole.
Step 3. Give each dancer one streamer.

Step 4: Turn on the music. I used the music from this video.

Step 4. Look out! Dancers really get going.

For the ribbons, I used the zig-zag cutting technique with some tissue paper. Maybe I'll post about how to do that sometime. A sheet of paper can be turned into a really long streamer.

The top photo seems to indicate I don't know what comes after the letter O. Lies! 

We're working our way through the alphabet, letter by letter.

Have a lovely day!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Squirrely project

N is for nest. 

And our color of the week is grey.

OK. This might be a stretch of an activity.

We made nests for our grey squirrels. 

We loaded some mini cake pans with yarn and shredded paper. I attempted to draw a squirrel (hmmm?) and made copies so we could color all the squirrels grey.

Even if I wasn't terribly proud, the kids seemed to enjoy this project.

That's what counts.

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ohhhh K

What is this going to be? 

Here's another hint:
The final reveal:
These purple pipe cleaner Ks were made possible by lots and lots of glue!

Meanwhile, over by the kitchen sink...
the counter is stained from yesterday's grape juice. Frozen purple cows--totally worth it!

I'll clean the counter soon.

Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March goes out like a lamb

Today is the last day of March.

The little neighbors and I had a slight discussion about March going in like a lion and out like a lamb. I think I made the point, even though they take everything literally:

"It goes into what?" I was asked.

I rephrased it a bit--comparing snowy and cold days with today's warm and sunny weather.

We made these lambs and I think they turned out cute.

This week's color is purple, so we had frozen purple cows. I just made milk shakes with grape juice.

Frozen purple cows are yummy!

We also played outside in the gorgeous lamb-like March morning.

Have a lovely day!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Orange ya happy?

Our theme color this week is orange!

We planted the pretty flowers above. No sprouting yet, but the little neighbors had a great time scooping and pouring dirt, planting the seeds, and WATERING.

We also mixed red and yellow paints in a baggie to make orange. The zip locks were taped shut so we were able to squish without getting messy. I was running low on yellow paint, so I kept adding water. Seemed to work.

Looks like tomato sauce.

On Tuesday, we squeezed oranges to make fresh orange juice. Now THAT was sticky!

Have a lovely day!